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this design id: 630918

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Custom T-shirt Design #630918

Designer - a friendly passerby   JumpStarted™ from design 503294

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Boy Scout Boy Scout Top 10 Things We Were Thinking

1. How much were those tent air conditioners?

2. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the camp

3. Is it just me or is Napowan hot?

4. Ethan is in the health lodge again!?!?!

5. What exactly does Boy Scout Boy Scout Top 10 Things We Were Thinking

1. How much were those tent air conditioners?

2. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the camp

3. Is it just me or is Napowan hot?

4. Ethan is in the health lodge again!?!?!

5. What exactly does

Boy Scout Boy Scout Top 10 Things We Were Thinking 1. How much were those tent air conditioners? 2. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the camp 3. Is it just me or is Napowan hot? 4. Ethan is in the health lodge again!?!?! 5. What exactly does "no campfires" cover? 6. Darn Global Warming! 7. Golly it sure is warm out here. 8. Don;t need to walk down to camp - just stand at the top of the hill, you'll melt and flow down. 9. I'll give you 5 wooden nickels if you let me sit in your car and turn on the AC. 10. Bet you wish you hadn't canceled Pirate Night. Fire Week 2012 NAPOWAN S U RV I V O R T-shirt & Apparel Design

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Price breaks for this 4 color design on a B110 t-shirt

QuantityScreenprinted Price
6 + $48.64 each
10 + $35.85 each
15 + $28.90 each
20 + $25.80 each
30 + $21.65 each
40 + $19.68 each
60 + $17.46 each
80 + $16.05 each
120 + $14.43 each
150 + $13.73 each
250 + $12.41 each
350 + $11.70 each
500 + $11.14 each
QuantityDigital Print Price
1 + $33.95 each
6 + $29.95 each
10 + $28.95 each
15 + $27.45 each
20 + $27.45 each
30 + $26.20 each
40 + $25.20 each
80 + $22.95 each

See Boy Scout Boy Scout Top 10 Things We Were Thinking 1. How much were those tent air conditioners? 2. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the camp 3. Is it just me or is Napowan hot? 4. Ethan is in the health lodge again!?!?! 5. What exactly does "no campfires" cover? 6. Darn Global Warming! 7. Golly it sure is warm out here. 8. Don;t need to walk down to camp - just stand at the top of the hill, you'll melt and flow down. 9. I'll give you 5 wooden nickels if you let me sit in your car and turn on the AC. 10. Bet you wish you hadn't canceled Pirate Night. Fire Week 2012 NAPOWAN S U RV I V O R T-shirt Design , "S U RV I V O R NAPOWAN 2012 Fire Week Top 10 Things We Were Thinking 1 How much were those tent air conditioners 2 If you cant stand the heat get out of camp 3 Is it just me or is Napowan hot 4 Ethan in health lodge again 5 What exactly does no campfires cover 6 Darn Global Warming 7 Golly sure warm here 8 Dont need to walk down at top hill youll melt and flow 9 Ill give wooden nickels if let sit your car turn on AC Bet wish hadnt canceled Pirate Night ." Comment, rate, and even jump start from this design to make your own!

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  • Anarchistic S U RV I V O R
  • Powhatten Top 10 Things We Were Thinking

1. How much were those tent air conditioners?

2. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the camp

3. Is it just me or is Napowan hot?

4. Ethan is in the health lodge again!?!?!

5. What exactly does "no campfires" cover?

6. Darn Global Warming!

7. Golly it sure is warm out here.

8. Don;t need to walk down to camp - just stand at the top of the hill, you'll melt and flow down. 

9. I'll give you 5 wooden nickels if you let me sit in your car and turn on the AC.

10. Bet you wish you hadn't canceled Pirate Night.
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